
Dance With Friends

Young people that enjoy dance and that have qualified for the „Concurso mundial de danza - World Dance Contest“ shall receive an additional suppVenue in their favourite genre of dance. In addition this project shall help young people to meet dancers from other countries and culture and shall thus make friends through the medium of dance and without any language problems.

Rhythmus in den Füßen

In these difficult times we want to look at the future and encourage each other. Here is a suggestion how to do this. Keep training at home. Watch this video, and try to learn this dance. The second half of the video shows the dance from the back which makes it easier for the dancers to learn it. Then, on April 29, World Dance Day, go out of your house at 5pm or go on your balcony, switch on the music and dance just as you are, performing this dance but keeping well away from other people.