„Concurso mundial de danza“
World Dance Contest

Rules of the competition


The competition is organized by Danza Mundial e.V., a non profit association registered in Munich, Germany

1. Participation

Every student of a dance school or a club or any similar organization who has qualified through a national qualifying competition and whose age is 25 years or younger is allowed to participate. (Exception is further down). Professional dancers or dance teachers that mainly earn their money through dance are not allowed to participate. Registration has to me made via the dance school, not by private persons.

Registration deadline will be about end of April and is published on the website www.danzamundial.com All entries have to be made online on the registration Website.

2. National Qualifying Competitions

There are various national qualifying competitions. For details look at the website. It is compulsory to participate in a national qualifying competition of the country. participants must qualify at the qualifier for the country where their dance school is located to attend the Finals. Only the three best dances of a class are allowed to attend the World Dance Contest. Exceptions might be possible.

Information about the qualifying competitions are published on the website danzamundial.com.

All locations of the national qualifiers will be published on the website. If a country does not yet offer an official qualifying competition then it is possible to apply via video.

3. Age

3.1. A competitor’s age is taken on 1 January of the year the Finals takes place.

3.2. In duets, trios, quartets, and groups the age of the oldest competitor will determine the class age category.

3.3. The maximum age of competitors is 25 years.


In all large and small groups at the most half of the dancers may be older than 25 years. In Duets, trios and quartets one dancer may be older than 25 years. In all solo dances the age limit remains 25 years.

3.4. All participants that participate for the first time must present a copy of their passport or identity card when entering the national qualifier.

4. Registration

4.1. All registrations have to be made via the the web portal.

4.2. The information of the registration will appear on all documents, program booklets, and certificates.

4.3. The principal of the school or the teacher is responsible of the correctness of this information.

4.4. If a school or group wants to make changes after the closing date of registration an additional fee of € 10, - per dance that needs changes has to be paid. Exception: Changes of dancers due to injury or sickness are free of charge.

5. Entry Closing Date

5.1. The entry closing dates for each country are available on the website www.danzamundial.com

5.2. Late entries cannot be accepted.

6. Entry Fee

The entry fee for the World Dance Contest are published on the website.

The entry fee has to be paid by the latest on the closing date of entries. In addition each participant has to pay the Danza Mundial membership fee. The membership fee has to be paid in the year in which the dancer participates only.

7. Registrations in Participation

7.1. A dance that qualified has to be shown in the next higher competition.

7.2. A dance that had already been performed in the World Dance Contest must not be shown again in the two following years unless it is a dance of the traditional repertoire e.g. solo variation in an original choreography. In such case the cast has to change however.

7.3. A participant may perform a maximum of two solo dances, and these must be in his age category.

7.4. A dancer must not dance twice in the same solo class.

7.5. The solo dances of a participant must be in different genres of dance. A girl cannot perform in KSB and KSPB.

7.6. A dancer may only perform once in a certain duet or trio class unless the organizing committee decides to join two classes together.

7.7. Dancers may perform in multiple group dances within the same class.

7.8. A group dance has to consist of a minimum of 4 dancers. In all ballet group dances the minimum is 5 dancers. A large group ( = GG) has to consist of 11 or more dancers.

8. Point Shoes

8.1. Girls under the age of 12 years are not permitted to wear point shoes in any circumstance all through the competition.

8.2. In all Mini and Children´s classes point shoes are not permitted with one exception:

8.3. Soloists age 12 – 13 years have the special classes KSPB and KSPBR. In these classes point shoes are compulsory. In the class KSB only girls age 10 – 12 years may perform. If girls age 12 – 13 years want to perform on point in a duet, trio, quartet, or group dance then they have to enter in the junior age category. In such a dance at least one dancer has to be age 14 years or older.

8.4. Girls age 14 or older may perform in point shoes in all genres provided these suits to the particular dance.

8.5. In the classes JSB, ASB, JDB, ADB it is compulsory for girls to perform in point shoes. If girls age 12 – 13 years perform in a duet or trio in the junior or adult age class it is their choice to wear point shoes or not. Girls age 11 or younger are permitted to perform in these classes, however they must perform in soft shoes, not in point shoes.

8.6. In quartets and group dances it is recommended that at least some of the dancers wear point shoes, however it is not compulsory. If two dances show the same quality of dance the dance performed in point shoes will receive higher marks.

9 Exchanging dancers

9.1 In a duet or trio a maximum of one dancer may be exchanged in the next higher competition.

9.2 In a quartet or group dance up to 50% of the dancers may be exchanged.

9.3 In a Solo dance no dancer may be exchanged.

10 Order of performance

10.1 The youngest dancers perform first and then it continues according to the age of the dancers.

10.2 The organizing committee has the right to change the order of the dances.

10.3 The organizing committee has the right to split large classes or to join small classes together.

11. Time Limit

Dances must not exceed the time limit but may be shorter. In the case of exceeding the time limit a dance will be disqualified.

A dance does not necessarily start when the music begins but time will be counted when the dancers on stage start to perform.

·      Mini solo and duet / trio: 2 minutes

·      Children solo and duet / trio: 2 minutes

·      Mini and children group: 2:30 minutes

·      Mini and children large group: 3 minutes

·      Juniors and adults solo: 2 minutes

·      Juniors and adults duet / trio: 2:30 minutes

·      Juniors and adults group: 3:00 minutes

·      Juniors and adults large group: 3:30 minutes

·      All dances in the genre “Song and Dance” have 30 seconds more.

12. Music

12.1. Any music may be used for the dances.

12.2. If music contains swearing or offensive language the dance will be disqualified.

12.3. In the genre “Song and Dance” absolutely no singing or speaking is permitted in the music

12.4. All music has to be submitted via the web portal no later than at the closing date of entries.

Teachers are advised to have a spare CD or USB-stick ready to be used in case there should be any problem with the music.

13. Judging

13.1. The judging panel will consist of three internationally acclaimed dancers, dance teachers or registered adjudicators. Each class will be judged by 3 members of this judging panel.

13.2. Points are given to every dance. The maximum score is100 points. The judges` decision is final. If two dances achieve the same amount of points two first, second or third places will be given. Dancers and teachers are not allowed to address the judges and enquire about their result. If they do so the judge has the right to disqualify the dance.

13.3. These are the judging criteria with a maximum of 20 points in each section.

1. Technical level of the dance

2. Quality in executing the dance and the showing harmony in the group in technique.

3. Artistic Interpretation and musicality of the dancer(s) and/or vocals.

4. Choreographic variety to include suitability to the dancer(s) and or originality and innovative work.

5. Expression and personality of the dancers and the entertainment value of the performance.

6. General comments on the whole presentation (without extra points).

14. Stage

The contest takes place on a stage. The precise dimensions of the stage will be found on the website.

15. Stage Admission

All participants and up to two teachers from each school have free admission to the theatre. They will receive a lanyard which the will have to wear well visibly. All members of Danza Mundial e.V. have free admission as well. All other spectators will have to pay entry fees. Tickets will be available in the threatre. Back stage parents are not permitted.

16. Stage rehearsals

There will be NO stage rehearsals at the finals.

17. Costumes

17.1. In all classes costumes of free choice may be worn.

17.2. The costumes should underline the character of the performance. Especially expensive costumes have no influence on the judging of the dance.

17.3. All costumes must be age appropriate.

18. Grand Final

In the evening of each competition day of the World Dance Contest the adjudicators will select the most beautiful dance of the day which will receive a special award.

19. Entry Fee

For each solo € 30, -

For each duet or trio € 20, - per dancer in each dance.

For quartets and group dances € 15, - per dancer in each dance.

Entry fees have to be paid for each competition. In addition each dancer has to pay € 10, - Danza Mundial membership fee once a year. The membership fee only has to be paid in the year where the dancer performs. If a dancer does not perform in a certain year no fee has to be paid.

In addition an event fee of € 20, - per dancer has to be paid. This covers the costs of all videos and photos which the dancers will receive free of additional charge.

All fees have to be paid in time before the closing date of entries via bank transfer. In case a dancer will not participate fees cannot be refunded.

20. Insurance

The entry fees and membership fees do not contain any insurance. Danza Mundial e.V. is not responsible for any injuries that may occur to any person including a participant, teacher or audience member whilst in the theatre, dressing rooms, back stage or on the stage, or anywhere else.

21. Probs and Conditions of Performance

21.1. Special lighting effects are not permitted for any performance.

21.2. No live props can be used during a performance.

21.3. No liquids or any other substances are allowed on stage at any time, this includes bubbles, water or other substances that may affect the stage.

21.4. No confetti or any item that requires the stage to be cleaned/swept may be used during a performance.

21.5. Props must be simple and be able to be carried on stage by the competitors (excluding MINIs who may have help from a dance teacher).

21.6. Lareg props are not allowed.

21.7. No responsibility for any injuries/accidents to a competitor/teacher whilst transferring a prop on or off the stage and in or out of the backstage area will be taken by Danza Mundial. All props are used at the risk of the dancer and the teacher.

21.8. Props must be integral to the performance. Transport on and off stage must not take longer than 20 seconds.

22 Copyright of the Choreographies

If a dance is being performed that has not been choreographed by a choreographer of the school where the dancers come from the following has to be observed:

If the choreographer has been dead for more than 70 years the choreography is free and may be used by anybody.

If the choreographer is still alive or has been dead for less than 70 years a written permission has to be presented that shows that the choreographer or his legal heirs agree that the dance may be performed by precisely these dancers from this school. If this is not the case the dance may not be performed.

If such a written permission does not exist, and if the choreographer or his heirs claim a fee for illegally performing his choreography possible costs have to be paid by the school or club which performed this dance.

Danza Munidal will not take over any responsibility.

23 Video, Photo, and Data Protection Basic Regulation

By entering a dance the dance school or club gives permission to Dance Munidal and it´s partners that video and photos may be taken from this dance and recording them at any time during the Finals, including during their performances, at the events and in and around the venue. Videos/photos may be used by Danza Mundial and its partners, including but not limited to in advertising and promotional materials, the Danza Mundial website, social media and distributed to the press.

Private pictures or recordings of the contest aren´t allowed.

According to the European Union Data Protection Basic Regulation all participants declare by entering the competition that they agree with the recording of their data by Danza Munidal. The participants agree that their names and ages may be published on the result lists.

24 Travel and Accommodation

All travel and accommodation costs are being paid by the participants.

25. Change of the Dance School

If a dancer no matter what age changes his dance school and moves to another dance school the following has to be observed:

The dance school which the dancer left has to give permission that the dancer now performs under the name of the new dance school. If the former dance school does not give that permission, then the dancer will not be allowed to enter the competitions for two years.

A dancer is permitted to register for two or more dance schools at the same time provided all dance school in which he performs give permission.

Classes available

Age Classes

Mini – 9 years or younger

K – Children, 13 years or younger

J – Juniors, 17 years or younger

A – Adults, 25 years or younger

Number of dancers per dance

S – Solo

D – Duet or trio

Q - Quartet (for genre ballet only)

G - Group up to 10 dancers

GG – Large group, 11 or more dancers

Mini – 9 years or younger

MiniSB = Mini Solo Ballet

MiniSBm = Mini Solo Ballet Boys

MiniSN = Mini Solo National and Folklore Dance

MiniSW = Mini Solo Modern, Jazz, Show Dance

MiniSWm = Mini Solo Modern, Jazz, Show Dance Boys

MiniST = Mini Solo Tap Dance

MiniSV = Mini Solo Song and Dance

MiniSA = Mini Solo Acro

MiniDB = Mini Duet / Trio Ballet

MiniDN = Mini Duet / Trio National Dance

MiniDW = Mini Duet / Trio Modern, Jazz, Show Dance

MiniDT = Mini Duet / Trio Tap Dance

MiniDV = Mini Duet / Trio Song and Dance

MiniDA = Mini Duet / Trio Acro

MiniQB = Mini Quartet Ballet

MiniGB = Mini Group Ballet

MiniGN = Mini Group National and Folklore Dance

MiniGW = Mini Group Modern, Jazz, Show Dance

MiniGT = Mini Group Tap Dance

MiniGV = Mini Group Song and Dance

MiniGA = Mini Group Acro

MiniGGB = Mini Large Group Ballet

MiniGGN = Mini Large Group National and Folklore Dance

MiniGGW = Mini Large Group Modern, Jazz, Show Dance

Kids, 13 years or younger

KSB = Children Solo Ballet (Age10 - 12 Jahre)

KSPBR = Children Solo Ballet on Point Repertoire  12 – 13 Years

KSPB = Kinder Solo Ballet on Point free dance12 – 13 Years

KSBm = Children Solo Ballet Boys

KSN = Children Solo National and Folklore Dance

KSM = Children Solo Modern and Contemporary

KSWm = Children Solo Modern, Jazz, Show Dance Boys

KSW = Children Solo Jazz, Show Dance

KSF = Children Solo Free Dance Based on Ballet

KSA = Children Solo Acro

KST = Children Solo Tap Dance

KSV = Children Solo Song and Dance

KSH = Children Solo Hip Hop

KDB = Children Duet / Trio Ballet

KXB = Children Duet / Trio Ballet with different sex (e.g. one boy and 1 or 2 girls)

KDN = Children Duet / Trio National Dance

KDM = Children Duet / Trio  Modern and Contemporary

KDW = Children Duet / Trio Jazz, Show Dance

KDF = Children Duet / Trio Free Dance Based on Ballet

KDA = Children Duet / Trio Acro

KDT = Children Duet / Trio Tap Dance

KDV = Children Duet / Trio Song and Dance

KDH = Children Duet / Trio Hip Hop

KQB = Children Quartet Ballet

KGB = Children Group Ballet

KGN = Children Group National and Folklore

KGM = Children Group Modern and Contemporary

KGW = Children Group, Jazz, Show Dance

KGA = Children Group Acro

KGH = Children Group Hip Hop, Streetdance, Commercial

KGT = Children Group Tap Dance

KGV = Children Group Song and Dance

KGGB = Children Large Group Ballet

KGGN = Children Large Group National and Folklore

KGGM = Children Large Group Modern and Contemporary

KGGW = Children Large Group, Jazz, Show Dance

Junior - 17 years or younger

JSB = Juniors Solo Ballet

JSBR = Juniors Solo Ballet Repertoire 

JSBm = Juniors Solo Ballet Boys

JSN = Juniors Solo National and Folklore

JSM = Juniors Solo Modern and Contemporary

JSW = Juniors Solo Jazz, Show Dance

JSWm = Juniors Solo Modern, Jazz, Show Dance Boys

JSF = Juniors Solo Free Dance Based on Ballet

JST = Juniors Solo Tap Dance

JSV = Juniors Solo Song and Dance

JSA = Juniors Solo Acro

JSH = Juniors Solo Hip Hop

JDB = Juniors Duet / Trio Ballet

JXB = Juniors Duet / Trio Ballet with different sex (e.g. one boy and 1 or 2 girls)

JDN = Juniors Duet / Trio National Dance

JDM = Juniors Duet / Trio  Modern and Contemporary

JDW = Juniors Duet / Trio Jazz, Show Dance

JDT = Juniors Duet / Trio Tap Dance

JDV = Juniors Duet / Trio Song and Dance

JDA = Juniors Duet / Trio Acro

JDH = Juniors Duet / Trio Hip Hop

JQB = Juniors Quartet Ballet

JGB = Juniors Group Ballet

JGN = Juniors Group National and Folklore

JGM = Juniors Group Modern and Contemporary

JGW = Juniors Group Jazz, ShowDance

JGF = Juniors Group free Dance based on ballet

JGT = Juniors Group Tap Dance

JGV = Juniors Group Song and Dance

JGA = Juniors Group Acro

JGH = Juniors Group Hip Hop, Streetdance, Commercial

JGGB = Juniors Large Group Ballet

JGGN = Juniors Large Group National and Folklore

JGGM = Juniors Large Group Modern and Contemporary

JGGW = Juniors Large Group Jazz, Show Dance


Adult and Kids have the same Classes, replace the "K" by an "A"


All dances have to be age appropriate. In all classes of the age section Mini dances or variations of the traditional ballet repertoire are NOT permitted. The dances have to be free choreographies of the teacher. Any music may be used but we strongly recommend not to use music from repertoire variations.


All dances that use classical ballet steps including demi character belong to this genre. It may be purely classical enchainements or variations but it may just as well be dances that tell a story or that show certain characters like e.g. animals. It is strongly recommended not to use repertoire variations in the class KSB but rather to use free choreographies of the teacher. In group dances in the age class juniors and adults it is recommended but not compusory that at least some of the dancers perform on point.

Dances with character shoes should be entered in “N”.

National and Folklore Dance

In this genre belong a those dances that show the typical way of dancing of a certain country. The dance may be based on ballet but may just as well show a strong character of a certain country. We do not want to see show dances in national costumes.

In the age classes mini and children steps on point are not permitted.

Free Dance

The steps and movements should be based on ballet but may be completely free and may contain any other style which may be modern, neoclassical or whatever. It may also be a mixture of styles. In the age sections juniors and adults girls may wear point shoes or not as they wish.

Modern and Contemporary Dance

All modern and contemporary styles of dance may be shown in these classes. Any music may be used. Acrobatic elements are only permitted if they are necessary for the story of a certain dance.

Jazz and Show Dance

All Dances that show these styles and that use music of these styles are permitted.

Hip Hip, Street Dance, Break Dance, Commercial

The dance may show any of these styles or a mixture of these styles.

Tap Dance

All dancers have to wear tap shoes. Irish dance shoes are not permitted. Parts in à capella may only be in the middle of the dance not at the beginning or the end.

In the age class mini toe stands are not permitted.

Song and Dance

Any style of dance and music is permitted. There should be about as much singing as dancing. The character of the song has to be well interpreted. Dancers have to sing live. No singing or speaking must be heard in the music.


Any acrobatic movements are permitted. But it should be a dance and not just a number of acrobatic tricks. May music is permitted.

All entries have to be made via the the web portal.

All entry fee has to be paid by the latest at the closing dance of entries. You will receive an invoice with all necessary information.